“Digestive problems” is one of the most discussed issue these days. If our digestive system doesn’t function well, we can’t pay our duties properly. Rather digestion problems also lead our skin to aging. The digestive system plays an important role in improving our health. However, sometimes we ignore the problems of digestion, such as bloating or constipation that can be serious. If you want to avoid these issues; read this article carefully. Here, I’ll discuss about the food that can become your best allies & can improve digestive system.
Foods that helps to improve digestive system
Yoghurt and fermented milk
Let’s start with probiotics and fibers, which are highly recommended to improve digestive system. Probiotics are live microorganisms, when taken in adequate amounts. They provide benefit to health. Probiotics are found in yogurts and fermented milks and can be taken daily for an indefinite period. They are also excellent sources of protein, minerals and vitamins. The lactic bacteria are a part of our intestinal system and help to improve digestive system.
Microorganisms characteristic of yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus hermophilus. Fermented milks contain bacteria, specific and exclusive probiotic that can be an aid to minor digestive problems such as slow intestinal transit or swelling.
Dietary fiber is recognized as a basic food nutrient. This nutrient participates in regulating functions of different organ systems. Its main feature is that it can’t be digested in the small intestine. However, reach the colon to be more or less fermentable. One discussion that arises regarding the fiber is, its classification; Fermentable or non-fermentable. The fermentable fibers such as inulin, artichokes are called prebiotics, substances that promote the selective growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal part. However, not all fibers are prebiotic. Most beneficial for digestion are artichokes, cabbage, peas, green beans, cauliflower and spinach. All vegetables that are high in fiber will benefit our intestinal bacteria and help to improve digestive system.
Today dietary fiber is recognized as an essential nutrient in the food because it participates in regulating functions of different organs and systems. Its key feature is that we can’t digest it in small intestine. So, reaches the large intestine to be more or less fermentable. Cereals are definitely the quintessential definition of fiber. The wheat bran, cereals and crackers, oatmeal, muesli, whole meal bread or rye bread are some examples of cereals. This food you should include in your diet to improve digestive system. It possess insoluble fiber, which treats constipation and regulates digestion process.
Nuts are suitable and help to improve digestive system if eaten moderately. Provide vitamin E with antioxidant properties capable of enhancing the status of the intestinal mucosa and essential fatty acids that protect the mucous membranes and are an alternative source of vegetables protein. Hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds are mostly insoluble nuts with more fiber, and help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.
Fruits are easy to digest as they are rich in vitamins and have lots of soluble fiber, which facilitates intestinal transition and prevents the accumulation of gases in the body. They are a good resource to stimulate the digestive processes and provide lots of nutrients to improve digestive system. Plums are recommended because they contain a high amount of fiber, also helps prevent constipation. Avocado, guava and quinces are also recommended.
Rice and pastas
Rice and wheat pasta are totally recommended to follow a balanced diet as they are a good source of fiber, which helps tremendously to improve digestive system. The amount of fiber also helps reduce cholesterol. Pasta and brown rice are rich in carbohydrates.
Legumes help to improve digestive system because they are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Moreover together with cereals, are a major source of fiber in a diet, so help reduce blood cholesterol and fight constipation, obesity and overweight.
Also contain lots of carbohydrates, are an excellent source of vegetable protein, provide vitamin B1, B2 and B3, and are also a great source of folic acid. It’s also provide minerals including potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorus, essential to achieve good growth and development of the body. The vegetables are a major source of fiber so it is important to consume lettuce, chard and spinach as well as asparagus, since it is a good natural diuretic that has great properties, enhances metabolism and helps fight irritable colon. Ginger is an aromatic root that has multiple benefits for the digestive system because it stimulates the pancreas, boosts the production of enzymes, which promote digestion and prevents the occurrence of side effects such as swelling or constipation caused by malabsorption. Its antibacterial power reduces stomach problems caused by alterations in the intestinal part.
Olive oil
Olive Oil also helps to improve digestive system because it protects gastric reflux that causes heartburn, and helps the stomach contents to be released slowly into the small intestine, thereby increasing satiety and promotes better absorption of nutrients.
30 Oct 2015
Foods that helps to improve digestive system
“Digestive problems” is one of the most discussed issue these days. If our digestive system doesn’t function well, we can’t pay our duties properly. Rather digestion problems also lead our skin to aging. The digestive system plays an important role in improving our health. However, sometimes we ignore the problems of digestion, such as bloating or constipation that can be serious. If you want to avoid these issues; read this article carefully. Here, I’ll discuss about the food that can become your best allies & can improve digestive system.
Foods that helps to improve digestive system
Yoghurt and fermented milk
Microorganisms characteristic of yogurt are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus hermophilus. Fermented milks contain bacteria, specific and exclusive probiotic that can be an aid to minor digestive problems such as slow intestinal transit or swelling.
Rice and pastas
Also contain lots of carbohydrates, are an excellent source of vegetable protein, provide vitamin B1, B2 and B3, and are also a great source of folic acid. It’s also provide minerals including potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorus, essential to achieve good growth and development of the body. The vegetables are a major source of fiber so it is important to consume lettuce, chard and spinach as well as asparagus, since it is a good natural diuretic that has great properties, enhances metabolism and helps fight irritable colon. Ginger is an aromatic root that has multiple benefits for the digestive system because it stimulates the pancreas, boosts the production of enzymes, which promote digestion and prevents the occurrence of side effects such as swelling or constipation caused by malabsorption. Its antibacterial power reduces stomach problems caused by alterations in the intestinal part.
Olive oil
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