What is Jock Itch?
It is a fungal disease most commonly known as jock itch. This fungal infection also is known as Tinea cruris. Jock itch is a skin infection caused by a type of fungus called Dermatophytes. And these Dermatophytes are known as Trichophyton rubrum. Dermatophytes are fungi parasites that only are found in keratin structures, i.e. Epidermis. It appears as a rash on the groin area that spreads over the buttocks, the part inside of the thighs and genital area. The condition may also occur in other areas of the body that are covered for the most part of the day, such as waist, the skin under the breast and upper thighs. Jock itch or Tinea cruris are less common in women than man.
Many physicians include it in the category of ring worm.
Also read; How to treat ring worm in children?
Symptoms Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
There are very few symptoms associated with this condition. These are:
The skin discoloration
Skin flaking
Odor (in the worst case)
Causes of Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
Anyone can suffer from jock itch. But people with more active lifestyle or low immunity suffer from this disease more than others. It is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes that like to grow in warm, moist skin and flourish in areas where the skin comes into contact with another skin. Anyways, the main causes of Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women are:
Use of tight underwear
When women wear tight underwear, the groin area remains moist for a long time due to sweat. Such condition is ideal for a fungal disease. Warm, moist areas of the human body are generally acted as good ground for fungi breeding.
Bodily contact
Jock itch infection is contagious. It is often transmitted from skin to skin. Physical intimacy can often result in the transmission of this disease.
Poor hygiene
The victim often forgets to wash its hands after touching the affected area. When a healthy person comes in touch with affected person, can gets the infection, due to physical contact. So people with dirty hands and dirty habits are also at high risk to suffer this disease. Even a normal person with good hygiene can get the disease in this way.
Share others’ clothes
Care to share other underwear, scarves or towels. If such clothes had been in contact with the infected area of an affected person, the disease can be transferred to your skin. Be careful when going out to public places like the gym or pool. It is recommended that you take a shower after finishing your activities. However, more often indirect transmission of dermatophytes can also occur contacting with inanimate objects such as bedding, towels, and clothing carrying Jock itch infection. It has been observed that the Trichophyton rubrum can survive for long periods in the moist environment.
Environmental factors
Environmental factors also play an important role in the breeding and spreading of infection. It is more common in the summer or in tropical climates where heat and humidity are high.
People who are obese or have weak immune system
Obese people or fat people sweat a lot and they are more likely to develop this infection. Diabetic people suffering from diabetes mellitus have a low immune system. So there are high chances they carry Jock itch infection easily. People with AIDS have even lower immunity than diabetics. As a result, they are more likely to have skin infections.
People with more sweat
The housewives doing house chores often sweat more and stay in wet clothes. As a result, they are more likely to have skin infections. Athletes sweat all day and stay in wet clothes for a longer period of time than others. So they are at greater risk for this infection.
Treatment of Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
Home remedies
Jock Itch is a completely curable disease. A mild condition in the groin area can be cured at home. Although not a serious threat for most healthy people, but skin infections can be a potential hazard for people with weak immune system. However, in severe cases may need to visit a doctor immediately.
Garlic paste
Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women can be treated using garlic. Garlic has anti-fungal properties that help cure jock itch. People with sensitive skin should not use this medication because it can cause a burning sensation.
Apply garlic paste on the affected skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash and pat dry. Repeat 3 times in a day.
Fry a few cloves of garlic with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Strain the oil and let it cool. Now apply the oil on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning. Repeat it every day until get rid of the infection.
Vinegar and Salt Bath
The salt accelerates the healing process and helps prevent infection, blisters, and itching. You can use any type of salt for this treatment. Apple cider vinegar also helps to control the growth of fungus causing the infection.
Fill a bathtub with water and add 200 grams of salt and ½ cup of vinegar. Soak your body in the water for 30 minutes and then wash with warm water. Do this every day at night before going to bed for at least a month to get better results.
Onion paste
The presence of antibiotics, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties in onions help to kill the fungus that causes jock itch.
Make a paste of onion and apply it on the affected area. Keep it on for half an hour and then rinse with water. You can also use onion oil/ juice instead of paste. Also, the use of onion in dishes as add onion slices in salad help speed up the healing process.
Listerine (Mouth wash)
Listerine can also be used in treating Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women. Listerine mouthwash has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that protect red inflammation on the skin.
Apply Listerine mouthwash on the affected areas with a cotton ball. Allow the solution to dry by itself. Repeat this process three times a day for few months to relief the infection.
Note: Do not use Listerine if you have any open wounds near the groin area.
Allelopathic medicines for Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
Doctors usually suggest for this disease antifungal medications. These are usually creams containing antifungal substances to combat fungi.
Victims can use following creams to relief the infections
Miconazole, Econazole nitrate, Oxiconazole nitrate, Ciclopirox, Terbinafine, Tolnaftate, Naphtifine, Clotrimazole
Steroid can also be used if there is severe discomfort on the affected area. Glucocorticoid steroids are generally used to treat Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women. Griseofulvin orally can be taken. The dosage required is 10 mg/day. Itraconazole 100-200 mg/day is better to take with meals. The same way Terbinafine 250 mg/day and fluconazole also can take.
Other measures to consider
Use balanced pH soap
Keep the infected area dry
Do not rub the affected area with a towel
Use cotton underwear
Take bath at least twice a day
Avoid using softener & bleach to wash your clothes
Avoid sugary and spicy foods
Note: Don’t use any medication without your physician consultation.
5 Feb 2016
Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women, causes and treatment
What is Jock Itch?
It is a fungal disease most commonly known as jock itch. This fungal infection also is known as Tinea cruris. Jock itch is a skin infection caused by a type of fungus called Dermatophytes. And these Dermatophytes are known as Trichophyton rubrum. Dermatophytes are fungi parasites that only are found in keratin structures, i.e. Epidermis. It appears as a rash on the groin area that spreads over the buttocks, the part inside of the thighs and genital area. The condition may also occur in other areas of the body that are covered for the most part of the day, such as waist, the skin under the breast and upper thighs. Jock itch or Tinea cruris are less common in women than man.
Many physicians include it in the category of ring worm.
Also read; How to treat ring worm in children?
Symptoms Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
There are very few symptoms associated with this condition. These are:
The skin discoloration
Skin flaking
Odor (in the worst case)
Causes of Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
Anyone can suffer from jock itch. But people with more active lifestyle or low immunity suffer from this disease more than others. It is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes that like to grow in warm, moist skin and flourish in areas where the skin comes into contact with another skin. Anyways, the main causes of Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women are:
Use of tight underwear
When women wear tight underwear, the groin area remains moist for a long time due to sweat. Such condition is ideal for a fungal disease. Warm, moist areas of the human body are generally acted as good ground for fungi breeding.
Bodily contact
Jock itch infection is contagious. It is often transmitted from skin to skin. Physical intimacy can often result in the transmission of this disease.
Poor hygiene
The victim often forgets to wash its hands after touching the affected area. When a healthy person comes in touch with affected person, can gets the infection, due to physical contact. So people with dirty hands and dirty habits are also at high risk to suffer this disease. Even a normal person with good hygiene can get the disease in this way.
Share others’ clothes
Care to share other underwear, scarves or towels. If such clothes had been in contact with the infected area of an affected person, the disease can be transferred to your skin. Be careful when going out to public places like the gym or pool. It is recommended that you take a shower after finishing your activities. However, more often indirect transmission of dermatophytes can also occur contacting with inanimate objects such as bedding, towels, and clothing carrying Jock itch infection. It has been observed that the Trichophyton rubrum can survive for long periods in the moist environment.
Environmental factors
Environmental factors also play an important role in the breeding and spreading of infection. It is more common in the summer or in tropical climates where heat and humidity are high.
People who are obese or have weak immune system
Obese people or fat people sweat a lot and they are more likely to develop this infection. Diabetic people suffering from diabetes mellitus have a low immune system. So there are high chances they carry Jock itch infection easily. People with AIDS have even lower immunity than diabetics. As a result, they are more likely to have skin infections.
People with more sweat
The housewives doing house chores often sweat more and stay in wet clothes. As a result, they are more likely to have skin infections. Athletes sweat all day and stay in wet clothes for a longer period of time than others. So they are at greater risk for this infection.
Treatment of Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
Home remedies
Jock Itch is a completely curable disease. A mild condition in the groin area can be cured at home. Although not a serious threat for most healthy people, but skin infections can be a potential hazard for people with weak immune system. However, in severe cases may need to visit a doctor immediately.
Garlic paste
Apply garlic paste on the affected skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash and pat dry. Repeat 3 times in a day.
Fry a few cloves of garlic with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Strain the oil and let it cool. Now apply the oil on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning. Repeat it every day until get rid of the infection.
Vinegar and Salt Bath
Fill a bathtub with water and add 200 grams of salt and ½ cup of vinegar. Soak your body in the water for 30 minutes and then wash with warm water. Do this every day at night before going to bed for at least a month to get better results.
Onion paste
Make a paste of onion and apply it on the affected area. Keep it on for half an hour and then rinse with water. You can also use onion oil/ juice instead of paste. Also, the use of onion in dishes as add onion slices in salad help speed up the healing process.
Listerine (Mouth wash)
Apply Listerine mouthwash on the affected areas with a cotton ball. Allow the solution to dry by itself. Repeat this process three times a day for few months to relief the infection.
Note: Do not use Listerine if you have any open wounds near the groin area.
Allelopathic medicines for Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women
Doctors usually suggest for this disease antifungal medications. These are usually creams containing antifungal substances to combat fungi.
Victims can use following creams to relief the infections
Miconazole, Econazole nitrate, Oxiconazole nitrate, Ciclopirox, Terbinafine, Tolnaftate, Naphtifine, Clotrimazole
Steroid can also be used if there is severe discomfort on the affected area. Glucocorticoid steroids are generally used to treat Jock itch or Tinea cruris in women. Griseofulvin orally can be taken. The dosage required is 10 mg/day. Itraconazole 100-200 mg/day is better to take with meals. The same way Terbinafine 250 mg/day and fluconazole also can take.
Other measures to consider
Use balanced pH soap
Keep the infected area dry
Do not rub the affected area with a towel
Use cotton underwear
Take bath at least twice a day
Avoid using softener & bleach to wash your clothes
Avoid sugary and spicy foods
Note: Don’t use any medication without your physician consultation.
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